  • Maintained 02 Cummin Generators for Panta Garment company

Maintained  02 Cummin Generators for Panta Garment company.



Panta Limited Company is 100% Chinese foreign direct investment,  making garment products.


máy phát điện

Their company named Panta, meaning to the success and substaintable development in Chinese.


máy phát điện

CiG engineerers got a customer visitor card from Panta company in order to enter company and  to maintain  generators, they have served our CiG's great customer.


It is private house for our CiG's generators. 

CiG Powers and product specification.

Generator model 550S5-C indicates that this generator uses standby 500 KVA, and Cummin engine.


It is naked generator CiG 550 KVA, has been served in Panta Vietnam. 


CiG generators installed on shock absorber, it helps generators to run smoothly and be less noisy.


CiG generators ared used famus engine brands such as Yanmar, Cummins, Perkins, Denyo, Airman, Johne Deere, Mitsubishi, MTU, etc.


máy phát điện

Cummins engine manufactured in 2013.


Generator electronic cables


Generator control board


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